More In Store: Hubspot HUG – Using Chatbots to Improve the Customer Experience
December 3, 2020
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmDid you know? Melanie of More In Store is also the Halifax Hubspot HUG Leader, and invites you to their upcoming Hubspot Academy Workshop on how to create a chatbot strategy as well as build out a chatbot in HubSpot.
Have you considered improving customer service with the use of Chatbots? Chat bot’s deliver convenience for the customer with powerful analytics you can learn from to continuously improve your marketing, sales and customer service.
How do chatbots deliver convenience?
– They are available 24/7, 365 days a year – that’s convenient!
– Customers can get a response within minutes
– Customers are part of a conversation where a need is acknowledged, and value is given in return at every part of that interaction without delays.
Before you start using a chatbot on your website, you need to ask key questions and know your goals. In this Hubspot Certified workshop we’ll look at which conversations are better suited for humans and which ones are better suited for bots.
Will dig into how you create, launch and learn from your first chat bot.