Be inspired, enhance your skills, and increase the visibility of your business through connecting with our community. We support women business owners in Nova Scotia at every stage of business, from idea generation and start-up to mid- and high growth.
While we support all business owners in Nova Scotia, we also have a membership program with exclusive benefits. Our membership program allows our team to continue to provide excellent support and services to women in business in Nova Scotia. When you purchase a membership, you are supporting yourself and an entire community of women.
Join or renew now | Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates
For all women business owners
- Attend our online networking program, Coffee Talk
- One-on-one business advisories with our business advisors (your first one is complimentary! To continue accessing, we ask clients to become members)
- Attend events, including events hosted by our members
Membership benefits
Members can enjoy all of the benefits listed above and…
- Join our online Blueprint for Success business planning program at no cost
- Add your profile to our Business Directory (for women-owned businesses only)
- Join our Centre for Women in Business Members-only Facebook group
- Share your news and events via our website, social media platforms and monthly newsletters (combined audience of 22,000+)
- Receive special pricing and/or advance notification for events and training, including complimentary certificate training programs
- Submit a proposal to be a Power Lunch Leader
- Profile opportunities across our communications channels and in external news publications (we will often receive media requests and refer to our members)
- Exclusive rates and discounts with AVIS and Budget, Mount Saint Vincent University conference services, FlagShip, and Staples (20% off all copying and printing at any location in Canada) – Ask us for the discount codes
Package Options
- Individual Membership: $125+HST annually
- MSVU Alumnae Individual Membership: $99+HST annually
- Corporate Membership: $499+HST annually
Corporate membership Includes all of the individual membership benefits as well as the opportunity to send multiple employees (up to three) to events and workshops and engage in sponsorship or facilitation opportunities.
Memberships are non-refundable but may be transferable. Please contact Colleen at cwbmembership@msvu.ca for more information.
Important note: Please add hello@onitevents.ca to your safe sender list as our confirmation emails come from this address. Payment will appear on your credit card statement as “OnIt Event Solutions”